Say goodbye to endless back-and-forth messages trying to find a suitable time for meetups. Avoid rejection anxiety. Simply enter your availabilities and let Gatheri do the magic of matching you with friends and family and dates who share overlapping free times for spontaneous gatherings.
sign up
Register and setup up your profile and; it takes less than 1 minute! Invite your friends to join to build your Gatheri community.
add your availabilities
Add friends by their user ID. Add your free dates and time slots on the Gatheri calendar. Then choose the friends you likely to meet potentially. You are good to go!
get matched and meet
You will be automatically matched with friends who share overlapping time slots and get notifications to chat.
why they love gatheri
It used to be so time consuming to arrange gatherings with friends and family. And it usually took about a week of back and forth to settle down on a time. Now I just enter my spare time and Gatheri arranges surprise meetups for all of us! It is awesome.
no more embarrassment
I am a very shy person. I feel very embarrassed if my friends say NO to my invitationsn. Gatheri has changed my social life. Now I can't wait to check my new match notifications to go out!
smooth dating
I am like most people who are embarrassed to ask someone I really like to go out, cause nobody likes being rejected. Now I just invite the person I like to join and Gatheri will do the rest.
Gatheri's goal is to encourage individuals to get out there and make real-life connections. Technology has caused people to become addicted to their digital devices, developing a phobia of face-to-face engagement with others. Gatheri will change this and restore the good old way of hanging out.
Our algorithm matches you with friends based on shared overlapping available date and time slots. If more than 1 friend has the same slots, our system will randomly match you with 1 friend which is part of the fun and excitement!
Strengthen your existing relationships and establish new ones in a super fun way.
Beta Version 1.1
Perfect for:
smooth dating
People are usually embarrassed to ask someone they might be dating because nobody like being turned down. Gatheri will now use her magic to arrange dates for all of the single people out there.
Surprise Meetups
Experience the thrill of surprise meetups with new and old friends.
Event Planning
In future updates, we will help you plan and organize surprise events for your social group.
Social Networking
Connect with like-minded individuals and expand your social circle.
Sign up now
Join Gatheri and start experiencing spontaneous and hassel-free surprise gatherings today. We welcome your feedbacks, since we are testing our Beta version to get your valuable inputs!
The first 1000 users will get a free 6 month VIP account where you can enter an unlimited number of avaliability slots!